
Tuesday, October 26, 2010


picture credit {here}

I love making pies.  There's just something about the entire process that works for me.  Collecting the fruit (I <3 apple picking), experimenting with spices & fillings, making the crumb topping, putting it all together, filling the house with that homemade smell and finally (drum roll) sharing it with people I love.

Today I'm collecting wishes and words about home, family & fall.
Send me your wish and I might just send you a pie : )


  1. love your blog : )

    so, as for my wishes...
    1. for one of your pies (duh)
    2. for more fall-like is way too warm out there
    3. for a perfect wedding day/weekend for erin & brian


  2. I found your blog through Cailen's tweet! Love the blog and the comment that you'll send us a pie! Keep away from my Man though - I understand you like accents - I like his Scottish accent, but then I am biased!

    My wishes, well I have many and usually I like to keep them secret but I'll let you into a few:
    - To have snow on Christmas day this year
    - To really be aware of all the great things that are around me
    - To grow fruit in my garden (I managed vegetables this year)

    Have a lovely day,

    PS I don't think you can send me a pie anyway for customs reasons!

    PPS I love NJ - I spent a summer there at Camp Hoover near Swartzwood Lake.

  3. i found you from jade's tweet! =)

    my wish? for a home filled with children [yes, even more than our 5] and with much, much laughter.

    to travel with my family to uganda, africa.

    to go see the people that use the freshwater well that my blog readers and friends helped fund for a community that has never known clean water. someday.

  4. I LOVE your blog and I just got your package! It put a huge smile on my face and made my day :-) I think that this blog post is very appropriate for things that I'm wishing about right now so here they are:

    1.) I've been thinking about my family a lot lately and hope that my dad knows what an incredible son he was to his mother and how special he is to everyone that has the pleasure of meeting him.

    2.) I wish that my mom would realize that she truly is one of the most selfless people I know and that she is loved beyond words.

    3.) I hope that when I travel home for Thanksgiving, I can still see a few traces of an East-coast fall because I really miss it out here in CA! It's beautiful here but I miss the changing leaves and the smells of fall.

    4.) When I go home, I hope that I can see everyone who I care about and let them know how much they mean to me.
